website design for doctors

Creative Steps for Medical Website Design

Where everything heavily relies on digital technology, it’s important for healthcare practitioners as well to create a strong digital presence. Most people rely on the internet to find a professional doctor that is experienced enough to treat their condition. Therefore, developing an efficient website design for doctors is important for them to give a great first impression and convert patients and increase revenue for their practice as well.

However, it’s also essential to keep in mind that a medical website should be well-designed if you want to be discovered by an increased number of potential patients who can generate leads for you. Hence, this article will shed a light on the creative steps required to give your medical website a boost. Read on!

1. Make Your Medical Website HIPAA Compliant

It’s important to keep all the valuable personal information of your patients private and confidential. Otherwise, you may have to face hefty fines and loss of reputation, which can affect your practice adversely.

Therefore, you need to ensure your medical website is HIPAA-compliant. For this purpose, you can ask an expert healthcare web designer to go through all the requirements and fulfill them.

2. Choose the Design that Best Suits Your PracticeDesign that Best Suits Your Practice


From color schemes to fonts, you need to consider all the visual aspects of your website when choosing a design. A website design that resonates with your field and purpose will be your best bet.

For instance, if your practice is quite diverse, you should opt for a neutral-colored theme. Whereas, a pediatrician can opt for a vibrant and colorful theme with stylish fonts.

No matter what you choose, you should make sure that the design is not too fancy or overlapping and it makes the text and images easy to read and view.

3. Add Strong Images and Videos

Website content with images and videos produces higher engagement than simple, plain texts. It’s quite obvious as people get attracted by pictures and videos and can even get to know better about a brand with such visuals.

You should add relevant pictures to your blog posts, create a page related to your staff with their pictures, or even upload pictures of your clinic. You can introduce your services and expertise in a video and display them on your website’s homepage.

All of this will give a personal and realistic feel to your website, and the website visitors will be more interested in your services.

4. Add Valuable Content to Your Website Design

There’s a lot of competition going on in the digital world. Valuable content can help drive more traffic to your website and, therefore, more patients.

You can add informative and SEO-friendly blog posts to your website, as they can expand your practice drastically. For example, if you’re a dermatologist, you can create blog posts related to your field that answer the common questions or problems people have.

Reading such blog posts will give them a good impression of how knowledgeable and professional you are.

Similarly, you should add patient reviews or testimonials to your website’s homepage or even create a separate page with testimonials to give them an idea of your services from the point of view of real patients.

5. Build a Mobile-Friendly Website

Most people use their phones or tablets to search for a doctor and set an appointment. Many websites that aren’t mobile-friendly lose their potential patients to their competitors with mobile-friendly website designs.

You should build a mobile-friendly website with easy navigation. A side drop-down menu with all the content tailored to fit the size of mobile phones will help with your revenue growth significantly.

6. Make Your Medical Website Design Interactive

Interactive Medical Website Design

If the design or features of your website are too complex and confusing, visitors will get frustrated and move to your competitor’s website. After all, how can you expect a sick person to spend time and effort understanding your website’s functionality?

Therefore, you can build an interactive website by adding visible call-to-actions on almost every page of your website, so they know what to do next. For instance, “book an appointment” can be one of your call-to-action.

Moreover, offering a portal for every patient can let them monitor and update their health statistics as well as personal information for added convenience.  

7. Improve Your Website’s Load Speed

Last but not the least, if you want to gain new patients and retain the old ones, you need to increase your website’s loading speed to decrease waiting time. Even a two-second delay can make you lose your potential patients.

You can compress the images on your medical website with the help of online tools to reduce file size. In addition to this, reducing the number of HTTP requests by your site can improve the loading speed of your website for an improved user experience.

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